Project management & Decision making support

Project management

How can I, better manage my projects and complex situations?
You will benefit from P C & T’s support to be successful in:

  •  management change projects (before, during or after the restructuration)
  •  sensitive communication in management change situations
  •  coaching co-workers with their future management role (for example someone who is promoted to manage his colleagues)

Decision making support

As a manager, I have to make decisions alone, which can be tough. How can I make it easier?
In those situations, it is reassuring to get some objective advice, based on experience from your P C & T advisor in order to make the best decision.

For me as a manager humans are complex and changing. How can I deal with these challenging relationships?
Your P C & T advisor will listen to you and exchange thoughts about the pros and cons in your decision making process. Thanks to a wealth of experience across many fields, your advisor will let you compare your situation with similar cases and suggest relevant best practices.
In doing so, you will be confident your decision-making is objective.

Example through a testimonial: