Recruitment support
How can I find a rare profile who meets my expectations?
P C & T’s network of head-hunters and recruitment agencies will manage the entire process until the choice has been narrowed down to the best 2-3 candidates for you to choose from.
Compensation & Benefits
Which salaries are best for my employees?
Use PC &T’s tools to create an effective salary policy. This guarantees the smooth running of your business and equality for all the employees (who communicate about their salaries to each-other).
How will I know that my company applies competitive salaries?
P C & T will allow you to compare the options available on the employment market and choose the best “Comp & Ben” system for your company in terms of value and competitiveness.
Organization and Job descriptions
How can I explain to employees what is expected of them?
P C & T will assist you in creating taylor-made job descriptions and an organizational chart, allowing you to clarify your expectations.
At the end of the day, you provide your company with the ideal structure : “the right man at the right place” !